Central Area Missional Partnerships

Bolton & Salford

Click on the map below to view the Churches in the Bolton & Salford Missional Partnership

Map showing the approximate location of the local churches in the Bolton & Salford Missional Partnership

Bolton & Salford: Partnership Ministers

Bolton & Salford Missional Partnership is scoped for two stipendiary ministers of Word and Sacraments and is currently served by Walt Johnson. 

Walt Johnson is a Minister in the Bolton & Salford MP

Contact Walt 


Revd Barnabas Shin is a Minister in the Bolton & Salford MP

contact Barnabas

Maria Lee is a Minister in the Bolton & Salford MP

Contact Maria 

Revd Mark Cowling is a Minister serving in the Bolton & Salford MP (Certificate of Limited Service)

Contact Mark

Rev’d Richard Bradley is our Steering Group Convener.

Contact Richard

Central Area MP Page
Central Area MP Page
Bolton & Salford
Bolton & Salford
Rochdale, Bury, & Nth MCR
Rochdale, Bury, & Nth MCR
Oldham & Tameside
Oldham & Tameside
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