Synod Policies and Procedures
document library
The URC Manual
The Manual is the handbook of the URC and covers the Basis of Union, local churches, baptism, communion, the General Assembly, ministries and more.
A: Ministers & CRCWs
Rights and Responsibilities
B: New Beginnings
Beginning New Ministries
C: Elders & Lay Leaders
Serving your local church
D: Property Management
General Upkeep and Responsibilities
E: Property Usage
Lettings, Room Hire, and Events
F: Synod Manse Scheme
Procedures for Ministers and Churches
Legislation and Compliance
G: Health and Safety
Safe Spaces and Due Care
H: Safeguarding
A whole church responsibility
I: Legal Obligations
Compliance with the Law
J: Finance Policies
M and M and Synod Levy
K: Grants and Loans
for Mission Project and Emergencies
L: Synod Structures
How it all works and fits together
Polity and Governance
M: Synod Committees
Terms of Reference
N: Missional Partnerships
Enabling Agreement and Basis of Union
P: Local Churches
Constitutions and Local Polity
We are
the United Reformed Church